============== Importing data ============== You can upload data files in a) **native Excel format** or b) **CSV format**. Clicking on the import arrow in the upper right corner allows you to select the file to upload. Note that you can also drag and drop a file into the dialog box. FrePPLe automatically detects which of the two data formats you're using. The upload icon will only be available when you have add-permission on the data object you're uploading. A message is shown when you don’t have this permission. The first line in the data file should contain the field names (not case sensitive). To get a sample of the input format you can first create a export: the format of the export file is such that it can be reread into frePPLe. The dialog screen shows a checkbox *First delete all existing records AND ALL RELATED TABLES* meaning that you can choose to delete the existing contents of the table before uploading the new data. When the option is selected, dependent tables are also erased: e.g. if you select this option when uploading the *resource* table, also the *operationresource* table will be erased since the second table references the first one. .. Caution:: If you're not very familiar with the relation between the objects in frePPLe's data model, you probably shouldn't use the *First delete all existing records AND ALL RELATED TABLES* option. After the upload, the number of data rows loaded will be displayed. When data errors were found during the loading process the details will be shown as well. A couple of notes on the CSV-format: * The separator in your CSV-files varies with the chosen language: If in your language a comma is used as a decimal separator for numbers, the CSV file will use a semicolon (;) as delimiter. Otherwise a comma (,) is used. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_mark * The date format expected by frePPLe is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH\:MM\:SS'. * The data file is expected to be encoded in the character encoding defined by the setting CSV_CHARSET (default UTF-8). .. Tip:: Importing a native Excel file avoids these common pitfalls from the CSV text-files. In the Admin/Execute menu you also have the capability to import multiple tables from a single Excel workbook using the *Import a spreadsheet* option. .. image:: ../_images/importing-data.png :alt: Importing data